12/8/2019 0 Comments Candle Light Christian YogaThe Holidays are officially upon us! This is a great time of year to enjoy Christian yoga classes where we, as a community, can focus on the reason for the season, Jesus' birthday. Get some needed Amen-time on your mat and get into a personal mindset for receiving the Christ. If you feel alone at this time of year, come to a class. If you want relief from the hustle and bustle of parties and family, come to a class. Frogpose Yoga, it does your body good.
Please join us for Wednesday's noon class at 2900 Valmont F1, Boulder and the 2T (2nd Tuesday of each month) 7pm class at Red Rocks Church, Arvada. All donations to class this week will benefit Hope House.
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Frog pose yoga is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization
At the foot of the flatirons, BOULDER, CO
Join Weekly Class Wednesday 6:15-7:15am on YouTube @frogposeyogaBoulder
Contact Us970-670-0801 [email protected]