I met my friends with an awkward non-hug, followed by the elbow touch and parted by clicking our heals together - not because we were doing the St Patrick’s Day Irish Jig but because we didn’t want to compromise each other’s health. My mindset has to be about my friend’s well-being and not the “what if” I catch something because inward thoughts make me fearful. On Tuesday I will practice self care by celebrating St Patrick’s Day by eating corned beef and cabbage, and sipping green beer. Patrick’s bravery is worth noting because he didn’t give into fear as he spent a lifetime ministering to the Irish while driving out the “snakes” of the land. When being held captive in slavery is when his faith grew stronger. I can only imagine that his love of the people was of greater importance than his anxious feelings about his life's safety. What we know is that our country is experiencing an unprecedented “snake” of our time: a virus named after a Mexican beer is holding us as slaves. I follow Patrick’s lead by taking captive my anxious feelings and putting the well-being of others before me. All of us have a fear of the unknown and God is giving us the necessary information to handle the situation and how to take precautions in avoiding passing it on. God gave instructions to the Israelites for keeping them healthy early in the beginning of the Bible. In Genesis He gave circumcision as a prevention to disease when there was a lack of access to soap and water. In Leviticus God spoke of washing hands and eating clean meat long before fad diets and hand sanitizer. We rest knowing that God is sovereign and on his mighty throne, with a plan to prosper us and not to harm us (Jeremiah 29:11). Cleanliness is an important component and position of compassion in Frogpose Christian yoga. Expanding out of a practice of deep breathing, taking challenging physical postures, listening to Christian music, and focusing on Bible verses, we also embrace cleanliness. God loves us too much to keep us in our messy state and wants to use our time on the yoga mat as an opportunity to clean us up. In class, impurities are burned off as the Holy Spirit gently shapes us into the likeness of Jesus. Just as good works come from an over-low of a heart beating for Jesus, practicing mindful cleanliness on the mat produces a desire for cleaner hands and a more-pure heart. In addition, physically showing up on your mat freshly showered is like going to church in your Sunday best. Arriving clean sets the expectant tone for cleanliness, not just physically but in body, mind, spirit, and surroundings; all helping direct us to a pure and positive Godly life. Fake it til you make it! Your well being is of most importance and we will gather as a facebook community this week. Tune into facebook live, https://www.facebook.com/events/682262022179999, Wednesday at noon. From your own living room or office, we will practice keeping our fellow countrymen/women safe - all together! Keep up the faith and continue in prayers that God will deliver us from the weight of slithery COVID19. You are smart and safe as you practice cleanliness. Happy St Patrick's Day!
2/1/2022 01:28:19 pm
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Frog pose yoga is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization
At the foot of the flatirons, BOULDER, CO
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