![]() Curiosity Did you know that Jesus asked 307 questions and only answered three? We know from the study of linguistics that being a curious conversationalist is effective and helps to develop connection to our listener. In chapter 13 on page 129 of Jesus is the Question, the author Martin CopenHaver writes "not all the questions are easy to hear, however. Jesus’ questions have the power both to comfort and challenge. Many people spend their entire lives, seeking answers, when it can be more important to find the right questions. Following Jesus is living the questions that Jesus asked." In Mark 8:27-30, we see Jesus checking in with the disciples - as to not make assumptions. Sure they had seen him perform miracles, heal the sick, cast out demons, feed 5 thousand…etc. Jesus checks in with them just to make sure…He asks “who do people say that I am?” Peter answers" you are the Christ, the son of the living God" Where in your yoga journey are you making assumptions of your health and what your body needs? Some good questions you may want to approach the mat with on Thursday are: Why am I coming to class? What am I hoping to get out of it? Where do I want to feel challenged? How is this feeling in my body? What makes for a good yoga class? Get curious and get answers for yourself! I'd love to hear what you come away with after class on Thursday. To your health! Class Thursday 9/12, 7pm, Thundercloud Park or Inside Red Rocks Church, Arvada. Free 2nd Thursday's Yoga (get it in your calendar on repeat) 7-8pm (We'll try for Thundercloud Park, just east of the Red Rocks Arvada Campus. Rain or cold out, we'll move inside.) Please bring friends, a mat, a towel, water, and maybe bug spray.
7/7/2024 0 Comments Shed the Dread![]() Free Yoga in the Park! Thursday night, 7/11, 7p-8p (Thundercloud Park, just east of the Red Rocks Arvada Campus. Rain out, we'll move inside.) Please bring friends, a mat, a towel, water, and maybe bug spray. Psalm 54:4 – Surely God is my help; the LORD is the one who sustains me. This winter I was skiing along and realized my shoulders were hunched up into my ears. “Pull back, over my hips” I kept telling myself. Before I could make a few more turns, it would notice it again. “down and back, shoulders...relax!” as I coached myself down to the Sunnyside lift. This was my first physical hint that something was causing me to cave inward. I later witnessed myself walking in such a way that I was surging my forehead first, rather than moving through space with my heart in front of my chest. While working at my stand up desk I fell into the same concave posture. What was going on? Can I be open with you about something? For the past 3 years I have been in a place of worldly stress and pressure like I haven’t felt before. Can you relate? I dread certain family and friend relationships, trying work dealings, political divides, wondering where my next paycheck is coming from, and facing my bed at night knowing that when I shut off the light my monkey mind starts racing. I have felt difficulties pushing in around me. I don’t say these things to garner sympathy nor to put added weight into your backpack, but, merely to shed much needed light on self perceived darkness. What does this tell me? It’s time for a break through and to return my thoughts to the knowing that God provides. This urge of perpetual striving needs to drain out of my life like the passing of water moving downstream. In solidarity, perhaps you are walking through a similar valley with me. Or not; you may be experiencing a time of prosperity, ease and mountaintop living. It's the rollercoaster of ups and downs. Black-white, right-left, male-female, winter-summer, weep-laugh; That’s life, right? The Beatles phrased it best when they sang let it be. What came to me is that our body will signal when it's maligned. Injury to the physical, spiritual and emotional is repairable when we commit to practicing peace:
Join us this week on Thursday 7pm at Red Rocks Church Arvada for the Shed The Dread Beginner Yoga Flow. Leave your worldly concerns for 60 minutes as we work out the issues in our tissues with trembling. Meet outside at Thundercloud park for fellowship, prayer and movement on our yoga mats. Bring a water bottle. The rain out plan is to practice inside the church. Be encouraged! ![]() This time of year I get a good sense of the shortening of daylight living close to the mountains. Today the sun dipped behind the 4th Flatiron at 3:02pm. That signaled something important in my house: the time to light it up…the twinkle lights on my tree, that is. Things start to grow dim so I cheer up my spirits and the living room by plugging it in. Years ago, as a young single mom, God picked me up and lightened my load by inspiring me daily to sit in his presence, while clinging to the verse James 4:8 – Draw near to God and God will draw near to you. There’s nothing worse than feeling like I should be up for the holidays, yet feeling really down. It was a dark time and God in his faithfulness brought lamp and light to my path. A Godly concept of phrases that’s been inspiring me is how the word light follows the same theme of up, up, up! Our faces light up with the things that bring us joy. Brighten up a room with light colors. “Oh, lighten up”, we are told when our attitudes come across as downtrodden. You never hear someone say lit down, brighten down or lighten down. In this Christmas season let’s consider upping our faith and helping it grow brighter through our practice of Christian yoga. Scientists have discovered that when life begins at conception, a flash of light appears. To get the needed immune enhancing vitamin D for our body, we sit in the sun like a glow in the dark toy. Light is life and the purest energy resonating at a high frequency. We are light beings. Light is passed from Jesus to us. Jesus is the light of the world - John 8:12 translates to You are the light of the world – Matthew 5:14. If you know Jesus, you have an inheritance into His Kingdom of light (Col 1:12-15), shining bright for all the world to see. Hooray, we are built with an enlightened Spirit that’s on the up and up! But soul, why are you downcast within me? And mind, why can’t you turn yourself off at 2 in the morning as I churn over my to do list for tomorrow? Body, why are you taking short sips of air, slouching over my computer for hours on end, with eyes focused down on my earthly problems? How do we make this transference to lightness from darkness? How do we reconcile the light which we are hires to, not just in spirt, but in body, mind and soul also? How do we integrate all the parts? We do it through the practice of Christian yoga in community. (I can see you shaking your head right now. I know what you’re saying…”no way, no yoga for me. That’s girls stuff. I can’t even touch my toes.” ) Hear me out on this. Doing Christian yoga is more about being in the presence of God than it is being perfect. Some students lay on their mat, doing nothing physical, simply breathing and tuning into the health of the community. Others are working to deepen the poses and their faith. Any step towards whole health is a step in the direction of whole body healing. Please don’t discount yourself from enjoying the mindful practice of a moving meditation on the Word of God as it does EVERY body good. Christian yoga lightens the load and raises you up. Comments I hear from people that leave class is, “I feel so much lighter”. “My posture feels so good after”. “I feel like I’m standing taller”. “I was able to turn off the monkey mind in class”. Why? Because as your instructor I encourage lengthening the spine, growing taller in faith and embodying God’s pure light. I cue setting your focus on things above and your breath to be full of life. For 60 minutes we enjoy prayer, stretching, Christian music, strengthening, breath work and healthful time with God. This is unlike any other exercise, as it’s the only one that integrates the tough stuff of life with God’s truths, though a series of physical postures on a yoga mat. Whether you are a seasoned J’ogi or just trying it for the first time, you will experience lightness in all aspects of your being. Join us this week, Thursday 7pm, at Red Rocks Church Arvada where we will celebrate as one body, Jesus is the Light, a candle light practice. Come, let it illuminate you in your whole body so you can be upright through the season. Be on the up and up! 9/4/2023 0 Comments Fall Schedule 2023Beginning this fall join us for Christian Yoga
![]() Last night I had the opportunity to hold space for the grand opening of The Bridge Community Center, 8330 W 80th in Arvada. If you’ve not heard of The Bridge, allow me to introduce you. It’s a beautifully renovated strip mall, as part of Revive Church, bridging the gap between the local Arvada community and their practical needs. While a church typically offers help only on Sunday morning, The Bridge is open to the public on the other days of the week, offering varying resources to the people when they need it. What better way to make an introduction to the neighbors than with food trucks, balloons, a kids bounce house and homemade cookies? Brilliant! In creating The Bridge, Revive Church recognized the challenge of wanting to do the will of God and actually doing it. (It fires me up to do the same!) The church heard a calling, took the necessary steps in its construction and I witnessed God being glorified in the work that’s been started at The Bridge. God builds the bridge and all we have to do is walk across to the other side. Sometimes I don’t feel equipped or strong enough to take Godly steps, like Revive Church has. “I’m not smart enough in Bible teaching, I don’t have the financial resources, I don’t want to be rejected, I don’t speak with conviction or eloquence.” If you’ve ever heard a calling but got bogged down by the details, you’re not alone. Be encouraged because there’s hope in knowing God builds bridges and you are getting there. At Frogpose Yoga we move through sometimes challenging physical postures, focus on God’s word and listen to Christian music which gives us the confidence and strength to get us truckin’ forward. In community, on our yoga mats, we build up each other and our bodies to go out into the world for Christ. Bridge Pose is a physical posture we take at Frogpose Beginner Power Flow to help bridge together our head knowledge of God’s and the body. As the body takes the shape of a bridge, we set our mind on the truth that God is the one who gets us from point A to point B. With Jesus bridging the gap between here and heaven. For Bridge Pose, lay on the back, bend the knees and place the feet on the mat at hips width distance from each other. Begin with arms down by your side with palms face down. Exhale deeply and on the next inhale, lift hips up toward heaven as arms press into creation. Set a heavenly gaze down your nose and observe the appearance of a physical bridge. Feel your strength grow. Take 3 deep breaths and on an exhale, slowly return your spine down to the earth. Repeat and notice the positive change in your perspective of getting from here to there. The health benefits to this pose include chest opening, stretching of the abdomen, releasing tension of the lower back and creating a new awareness and rhythm of the Breath of the Almighty. If you’ve been looking across what seems to be the chasm of where God is calling you, join us for a Frogpose Yoga class to help build your faith muscle. Don’t let days turn to weeks, weeks to months and into years of being in the same place. Let God be the bridge. Weekly donation based 60 minute classes are offered on Wednesdays at noon at The Bridge, 8330 W 80th Unit #1. And on Facebook Live @frogposeyoga. https://www.facebook.com/frogposeyoga/live_videos/ Stay tuned for Arvada park yoga details starting in June. | |

On my jog today, as I was reviewing Bible scripture, as I like to do, my mind got stuck on the New Testament book of John, chapter 3. There is something about the power of the famous words of John 3:16 that give me a reason for pause and contemplation. I can fully relate to the picture of the curious Jewish leader coming to Jesus in the middle of the night. To Nicodemus it made sense to forgo sleep in order to learn about redemption. When I have a hard time sleeping, I like to come to Jesus too. Rather than allowing myself to be frustrated by feelings of my inabilities to sleep, I use the unusual waking time as a divine appointment to come to Jesus. My question becomes, “God, for whom and what do you want me to pray?”
What is great about spending time with God while jogging is it helps ease the physical struggle. My thoughts wandered off the steep stone path leading up the hill to pondering who or what needed prayer for in that moment? “Ok, God, who can I pray for?”
And in a flash, I received the instant download: for Sunday’s sermon! I began to pray an audible breath prayer, as best I could between gasps for thin Colorado air, for tomorrow’s message. I prayed for my local Red Rock’s message, for Calvary’s message, and for Revive’s message….then for every message that is being delivered tomorrow, everywhere around the world. I prayed that God would reveal Himself in a real way and to have a big win for lost souls, no matter where Jesus’ gospel is preached tomorrow. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!
My prayer felt as big as the mountain I was climbing. How will He answer it? I don’t know yet but I felt the Holy Spirit offer me hope and faith in three big words that came to mind. Three words that I repeated many times as I stepped over the path beneath my feet. Words that Nicodemus, myself and the people that will be sitting in pews tomorrow hold so dear. Those words were: revealed, redeemed and revolution.
Heavenly hope is a process. First Jesus reveals himself to us, followed by the process of redemption or him compensating for our faults. When those two concepts get internalized, we can’t help but want to take it to the streets, mountain tops and the ends of the earth. Like F.R.O.G. Pose Christian yoga, we take that which we know to be true, the words of the Bible and Jesus, and the feelings we store in our heart and body and integrate it into our soul through movement on the yoga mat. The strength in truth that we build in our yoga community gives us the confidence to take it off the mat and into the world.
I know Jesus is on the move right now and I want to be in step with Him. As the revival in Asbury College in Kentucky has come to a recent close and the wildly popular and moving movie, Jesus Revolution, is still playing in theaters, I know God is changing lives. I’m praying that tomorrow will heal hearts, minds, souls and bodies everywhere. Whether it’s in the quiet of the night, in a college campus or the beaches of Southern California, Jesus is revealing himself, redeeming each soul He touches and moving us to live a life of love and purpose.
What is great about spending time with God while jogging is it helps ease the physical struggle. My thoughts wandered off the steep stone path leading up the hill to pondering who or what needed prayer for in that moment? “Ok, God, who can I pray for?”
And in a flash, I received the instant download: for Sunday’s sermon! I began to pray an audible breath prayer, as best I could between gasps for thin Colorado air, for tomorrow’s message. I prayed for my local Red Rock’s message, for Calvary’s message, and for Revive’s message….then for every message that is being delivered tomorrow, everywhere around the world. I prayed that God would reveal Himself in a real way and to have a big win for lost souls, no matter where Jesus’ gospel is preached tomorrow. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!
My prayer felt as big as the mountain I was climbing. How will He answer it? I don’t know yet but I felt the Holy Spirit offer me hope and faith in three big words that came to mind. Three words that I repeated many times as I stepped over the path beneath my feet. Words that Nicodemus, myself and the people that will be sitting in pews tomorrow hold so dear. Those words were: revealed, redeemed and revolution.
Heavenly hope is a process. First Jesus reveals himself to us, followed by the process of redemption or him compensating for our faults. When those two concepts get internalized, we can’t help but want to take it to the streets, mountain tops and the ends of the earth. Like F.R.O.G. Pose Christian yoga, we take that which we know to be true, the words of the Bible and Jesus, and the feelings we store in our heart and body and integrate it into our soul through movement on the yoga mat. The strength in truth that we build in our yoga community gives us the confidence to take it off the mat and into the world.
I know Jesus is on the move right now and I want to be in step with Him. As the revival in Asbury College in Kentucky has come to a recent close and the wildly popular and moving movie, Jesus Revolution, is still playing in theaters, I know God is changing lives. I’m praying that tomorrow will heal hearts, minds, souls and bodies everywhere. Whether it’s in the quiet of the night, in a college campus or the beaches of Southern California, Jesus is revealing himself, redeeming each soul He touches and moving us to live a life of love and purpose.
3/11/2023 0 Comments
Learn to do Good in Christian Yoga

Find your passion and a definite desire to do good things!
Hands down, my major prophet avatar, the one I most relate to in the modern age, is Isaiah. There's something about the way he writes and the content he discusses that I can really get behind and understand. This is one of my life verses:
There's nothing like finding yourself in an unplanned pregnancy to realize how valuable and necessary is a local pregnancy care center. I can speak from experience; being alone and receiving the news that you're expecting a child, without a plan is scary and confusing. To support a place like Boulder Pregnancy Resource Center (BPRC), can make the difference between life and death by offering FREE ultrasounds, diapers, housing and most importantly, unconditional love. Just as Jesus would have it!
Here's an easy and fun way to come alongside BPRC. Join in on our 3rd Annual Golf Fundraising Tournament on April 29 at Top Golf in Thornton. We are praying for 25 teams of 6 players, selling mulligans, auctioning off a room full of fabulous items, door prizes and winning team prizes, to raise $10,000! Please echo this request and for smiles, good weather and safety of all participating.
The good news is that you don't even need to know how to play golf to have fun. We are looking for volunteers, silent auction items, donations, prayers and folks that just want to come for lunch and fun.
Sign up here if you want to get involved or email me. Play for $120/adults, $85/under 15. Grab your small group, neighbors, friends and family and have a fun day as we #golfforlife2023!
As for Christian yoga, on Wednesday, join us for a gentle flow of breath, moving meditation and a focus on God's word for our regular in person class. Location: 8330 W 80th Ave #1, Arvada. Or on Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/frogposeyoga/live_videos/ Being a Christian, speaking up for those who can't speak for themselves the strength building and lessons we learn on the mat that we can take out into the world to DO GOOD!
Hands down, my major prophet avatar, the one I most relate to in the modern age, is Isaiah. There's something about the way he writes and the content he discusses that I can really get behind and understand. This is one of my life verses:
There's nothing like finding yourself in an unplanned pregnancy to realize how valuable and necessary is a local pregnancy care center. I can speak from experience; being alone and receiving the news that you're expecting a child, without a plan is scary and confusing. To support a place like Boulder Pregnancy Resource Center (BPRC), can make the difference between life and death by offering FREE ultrasounds, diapers, housing and most importantly, unconditional love. Just as Jesus would have it!
Here's an easy and fun way to come alongside BPRC. Join in on our 3rd Annual Golf Fundraising Tournament on April 29 at Top Golf in Thornton. We are praying for 25 teams of 6 players, selling mulligans, auctioning off a room full of fabulous items, door prizes and winning team prizes, to raise $10,000! Please echo this request and for smiles, good weather and safety of all participating.
The good news is that you don't even need to know how to play golf to have fun. We are looking for volunteers, silent auction items, donations, prayers and folks that just want to come for lunch and fun.
Sign up here if you want to get involved or email me. Play for $120/adults, $85/under 15. Grab your small group, neighbors, friends and family and have a fun day as we #golfforlife2023!
As for Christian yoga, on Wednesday, join us for a gentle flow of breath, moving meditation and a focus on God's word for our regular in person class. Location: 8330 W 80th Ave #1, Arvada. Or on Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/frogposeyoga/live_videos/ Being a Christian, speaking up for those who can't speak for themselves the strength building and lessons we learn on the mat that we can take out into the world to DO GOOD!
8 Critical Invitations, 1 Not so much.
Jesus said:
What if I NEVER took anyone or anything up on an invitation? What and where would I be today? If I didn't accept a ride to the airport, I'd be late. If I said no to eating clean, I'd likely be unhealthy. If I didn't agree to my high school YoungLife gathering, I'd surely be lost in this life. Big time!
Making Invitation can mean the difference between connection and isolation, between lost opportunity and growth, or even life and death!
The invitation requires two willing participants. The first person has the courage, fortitude, wisdom and time to flap their gums into forming a question, while simultaneously accepting a yes or no answer. For me, when playing this role of the first person, a full schedule, insecurities and fear of rejection can inhibit my taking the initiative. And it requires me to let go of the outcome. I challenge myself to fall in love with the idea of being uncomfortable to the response.
The second person has to role of responding appropriately. I would hope that my responses to invitations are honest, straightforward and timely. And in my messaging I sprinkle some grace with the truth. Thus whether I accept the invitation or pass on it for this time, I pray the inviter feels glad they offered the invitation and feel comfortable trying at another time.
Does it always play out this way? If I'm being honest? No. Being a good inviter requires good intentions, forethought and follow-through. Being a good invitee requires tact, grace and saying yes to some and no to others. Both are equally important for a fulfilling life of connection and community.
With a little fear and in trepidation...
9. Will you COME sit with me at church tomorrow?
We had such a wonderful time of making new friends and connections with our 6 Week Yoga Challenge that I don't want to interrupt the connections we made. I'm missing my J'ogi community at Red Rocks. Last week I stood around looking for ANYONE I knew and in the sea of friendly faces I found three Jill and KK and Kathi. I want to feel connected in my church home. Do you?
I attend the 8:30 am service in Arvada. I don't always roll in on time but I pass by the pile of fresh delicious donuts, grab a hot coffee in my reusable cup and make my way to the front row of chairs, 2nd tier back from the stage, left of center.
If you are looking for someone to sit with on Sunday, I'll be there hoping you join me! Here's the challenge, pick up the phone and invite someone to church. Let go of the outcome. If they say yes, great. If not, that's fine too. Don't give up! Let's pack that 2nd front row with likeminded Jesus Yogi's!!! Feel free to take me up on the invitation if you want. If not, that's fine too! Let's get good at inviting and feeling ok with the response. Practice makes present.
I have 2 more invitations for you this week:
-Join us for a gentle flow of breath, moving meditation and a focus on God's word about community on Wednesday at noon for our weekly Beginner Yoga Flow inperson class: 8330 W 80th #1 Arvada. Try Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/frogposeyoga/live_videos/ if you can't be inperson.
-2nd Thursday Red Rocks Sports Yoga is 7-8pm. Sign up on this link
Jesus said:
- COME unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest! -Matthew 11:28
- ... if any man thirst let him COME unto Me, and drink... -John 7:37
- COME and dine!" -John 21:12
- COME and See -John 1:39
- COME and Take up your cross -Mark 10:21
- COME away to a secluded place and rest -Mark 6:31
- COME you blessed of my father and inherit the Kingdom -Matthew 25:34
- COME follow me ~ Luke 18:22
What if I NEVER took anyone or anything up on an invitation? What and where would I be today? If I didn't accept a ride to the airport, I'd be late. If I said no to eating clean, I'd likely be unhealthy. If I didn't agree to my high school YoungLife gathering, I'd surely be lost in this life. Big time!
Making Invitation can mean the difference between connection and isolation, between lost opportunity and growth, or even life and death!
The invitation requires two willing participants. The first person has the courage, fortitude, wisdom and time to flap their gums into forming a question, while simultaneously accepting a yes or no answer. For me, when playing this role of the first person, a full schedule, insecurities and fear of rejection can inhibit my taking the initiative. And it requires me to let go of the outcome. I challenge myself to fall in love with the idea of being uncomfortable to the response.
The second person has to role of responding appropriately. I would hope that my responses to invitations are honest, straightforward and timely. And in my messaging I sprinkle some grace with the truth. Thus whether I accept the invitation or pass on it for this time, I pray the inviter feels glad they offered the invitation and feel comfortable trying at another time.
Does it always play out this way? If I'm being honest? No. Being a good inviter requires good intentions, forethought and follow-through. Being a good invitee requires tact, grace and saying yes to some and no to others. Both are equally important for a fulfilling life of connection and community.
With a little fear and in trepidation...
9. Will you COME sit with me at church tomorrow?
We had such a wonderful time of making new friends and connections with our 6 Week Yoga Challenge that I don't want to interrupt the connections we made. I'm missing my J'ogi community at Red Rocks. Last week I stood around looking for ANYONE I knew and in the sea of friendly faces I found three Jill and KK and Kathi. I want to feel connected in my church home. Do you?
I attend the 8:30 am service in Arvada. I don't always roll in on time but I pass by the pile of fresh delicious donuts, grab a hot coffee in my reusable cup and make my way to the front row of chairs, 2nd tier back from the stage, left of center.
If you are looking for someone to sit with on Sunday, I'll be there hoping you join me! Here's the challenge, pick up the phone and invite someone to church. Let go of the outcome. If they say yes, great. If not, that's fine too. Don't give up! Let's pack that 2nd front row with likeminded Jesus Yogi's!!! Feel free to take me up on the invitation if you want. If not, that's fine too! Let's get good at inviting and feeling ok with the response. Practice makes present.
I have 2 more invitations for you this week:
-Join us for a gentle flow of breath, moving meditation and a focus on God's word about community on Wednesday at noon for our weekly Beginner Yoga Flow inperson class: 8330 W 80th #1 Arvada. Try Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/frogposeyoga/live_videos/ if you can't be inperson.
-2nd Thursday Red Rocks Sports Yoga is 7-8pm. Sign up on this link

Welcome to 2023, J’ogi’s!
Following many Christmas gatherings with family and friends, ushering in the new year at the last and final party of the year was the perfect culmination. At the stroke of midnight, like the winds of change, God blew into existence an instant life reset. No sooner had the Times Square ball dropped, the highs, lows and in betweenness of 2022 were but a memory and there was nothing I could do to change any of its outcomes. Tuning my ear to the lyrics of Auld Lang Syne helped me realize how the former God given 365 days were over and it was time to begin fresh. I exhaled deeply into the party favor horn, I let go of what was for all that’s going to be new.
Each year I pray God will grow me more into the likeness of Christ. I prefer easy lessons over the difficult. I’d rather enjoy gentle nudges instead of being tested by refining fire. I never know how God’s going to be moving in my life standing between one year and the next. His grace is sufficient and I cling to His truths as the breezes of 2023 begin to move me.
For the last two years God has inspired me to do a deep dive into a word.. in His word. 2021 was the word justice. The prophet Isaiah inspired me with that one because I never really knew what it meant to seek justice. As I read the bible throughout the year, I’d make note anytime God spoke about the word and that began my annual journey into a word of God. 2022 was light and that word helped me deepen my understanding that Jesus is the light of the world and He’s faithful to chase away the darkness. As I approached the end of this year, I asked God for the new word, and prayerfully what came up is the word wind. Wind? It’s probably no coincidence that I’ve been residing for most of my life in one of the breeziest communities, a close second to the state of Wyoming. Wind has been a constant in my life so it seems appropriate.
Do you use one of God’s words as an annual study? Like me, perhaps you feel inspired to get a deeper understanding of one of God’s words. Can I offer a challenge? In the next few weeks, take some time in prayer and ask God to give you a word. He is faithful to answer, so seek and knock. Open the door to a subtle nudge and once you’ve got the word look for it in your reading, your life, journal about it and I’d love to hear about all you’ve learned in 2023. You can share my word too, if that works.
Here's just a couple of things I’ve come to know about the word wind:
Join us this Wednesday at noon for a beginner Christian moving meditation as we focus on God's word about wind. We keep trying to simultaneously offer Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/frogposeyoga/live_videos/and has proved challenging in our new space so please join in person: 8330 W 80th Arvada #1. We'll keep trying to broadcast.
For those of you on the fence about signing up for the 6 week yoga challenge starting January 15, there's still a couple spots available. Sign up here.
Following many Christmas gatherings with family and friends, ushering in the new year at the last and final party of the year was the perfect culmination. At the stroke of midnight, like the winds of change, God blew into existence an instant life reset. No sooner had the Times Square ball dropped, the highs, lows and in betweenness of 2022 were but a memory and there was nothing I could do to change any of its outcomes. Tuning my ear to the lyrics of Auld Lang Syne helped me realize how the former God given 365 days were over and it was time to begin fresh. I exhaled deeply into the party favor horn, I let go of what was for all that’s going to be new.
Each year I pray God will grow me more into the likeness of Christ. I prefer easy lessons over the difficult. I’d rather enjoy gentle nudges instead of being tested by refining fire. I never know how God’s going to be moving in my life standing between one year and the next. His grace is sufficient and I cling to His truths as the breezes of 2023 begin to move me.
For the last two years God has inspired me to do a deep dive into a word.. in His word. 2021 was the word justice. The prophet Isaiah inspired me with that one because I never really knew what it meant to seek justice. As I read the bible throughout the year, I’d make note anytime God spoke about the word and that began my annual journey into a word of God. 2022 was light and that word helped me deepen my understanding that Jesus is the light of the world and He’s faithful to chase away the darkness. As I approached the end of this year, I asked God for the new word, and prayerfully what came up is the word wind. Wind? It’s probably no coincidence that I’ve been residing for most of my life in one of the breeziest communities, a close second to the state of Wyoming. Wind has been a constant in my life so it seems appropriate.
Do you use one of God’s words as an annual study? Like me, perhaps you feel inspired to get a deeper understanding of one of God’s words. Can I offer a challenge? In the next few weeks, take some time in prayer and ask God to give you a word. He is faithful to answer, so seek and knock. Open the door to a subtle nudge and once you’ve got the word look for it in your reading, your life, journal about it and I’d love to hear about all you’ve learned in 2023. You can share my word too, if that works.
Here's just a couple of things I’ve come to know about the word wind:
- In 7th grade a Boulder County chinook wind ripped off part of the roof of our house. (That was scary);
- I heard someone say that the Holy Spirit is like the wind because it’s invisible yet we can see the effects of it. (I love the word picture of John 3:8);
- “It’s the most flexible tree that sustains the strongest winds” (A phrase I often use in my Christian yoga class when cueing the pose called tree pose);
- Dry conditions and a bad spark, combined with gale force winds stirred up December’s 5000 degree fire storm in my local neighborhoods, destroying all that was in its path. (Wind gives me anxiety);
- Wind pushes the metro Denver brown cloud of smog away and over the plains. (Wind is cleansing);
- I like to offer encouragement to someone in a tough situation with the phrase my Nan taught me, “there’s never an ill wind that doesn’t blow some good.” (Wind can be both good and bad).
- When the air smells like Greeley I know snow is in approaching, meaning ski conditions will be great at Eldora (Wind brings weather)
Join us this Wednesday at noon for a beginner Christian moving meditation as we focus on God's word about wind. We keep trying to simultaneously offer Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/frogposeyoga/live_videos/and has proved challenging in our new space so please join in person: 8330 W 80th Arvada #1. We'll keep trying to broadcast.
For those of you on the fence about signing up for the 6 week yoga challenge starting January 15, there's still a couple spots available. Sign up here.

I’ve got 3 dozen Christmas cookies to make for Annie’s cookie exchange. I know the perfect recipe: Nanny’s tried and true molasses cookie recipe. It might make her roll over in her grave to know this, but instead of using ill-processed canola oil for the liquid shortening, it will be real butter. Since I prefer fresh, always, minced ginger root will replace the dried jarred powdered stuff. Gut health is on my mind too, so why not use the local Longmont-made Bulk Store gluten free flour?
Today, in the solitude of my kitchen, while jamming out to my favorite Holiday classics playlist, I made the dough to be chilled overnight, to be rolled into balls, rolled in granulated sugar, and baked tomorrow for that yummy out of the oven flavor. While doing so I had a lovely chat on the phone, catching up with Cam and Bla. I turned on the Christmas tree lights. Everything was going according to time until I reached for the key ingredient, molasses.
I had plenty remaining in the Brer Rabbit bottle to complete the recipe yet it had matured into slower than molasses molasses. It was the thickest, darkest glob of goodness, that refused to move! What would have normally taken me 10 tops to prepare became a 30-minute endeavor. WOW! What a test in patience. Observing the molasses instantly reminded me of God’s patience for me in learning how better to live in obedience to Him.
I love how God teaches me lessons in everyday things, such as cooking, and how it relates to the work I do on my yoga mat. Just when I want to rush things in life, God offers slowness as the option. It’s in these moments off the mat where we can make a choice for freedom and victory in the Lord by allowing for His timing of things, accepting it and letting it go. I can choose the way of the straight path of least resistance or speed through and possibly miss the blessing?
Often times in the warm up or integration opening part of a Frogpose beginner flow class, you’ll hear the verbal suggestion to “move as if you’re moving through molasses”. Why? So often we arrive at our mat with a sense of rush to have made it through the class doors on time, or we have a long list of to-do’s lingering in our brains. Not to mention, the current Colorado winter weather, which presents our fascia as stiff and cold at the start of any given work out.
As a guide for class, I often notice students speeding to the next pose as if it’s some kind of race. For example, if I cue right arm high, some consciously draw attention to doing so with intention, while some shoot an arm up in seconds flat without even thinking about protecting shoulder or the supporting muscles and ligaments. Rather than allowing The Breath of the Almighty to drive the pose with a controlled 4 second inhale (with full body awareness), they hurriedly force the pose. Especially in the early part of class, when the body is yet warmed up, injury can happen when poses are rushed. Each class is an opportunity to practice patience that can be taken off the mat and into real world situations. Hurry and rush or have patience and notice – the option is yours.
My work around with completing making the batter was to use the good old modern microwave. A couple of seconds to zap the goo and voila, I could get it out of the bottle. All the brown blob needed was some time to warm up and soften. Once warmed up, it flowed out the bottle with its regular molasses slowness.
Frogpose Yoga Tip “Observe the Molasses”
Don't froggette to sign up for the 6 Week Yoga Challenge in January. Space is limited and it's filling up. Start 2023 on the right foot..or left.
Today, in the solitude of my kitchen, while jamming out to my favorite Holiday classics playlist, I made the dough to be chilled overnight, to be rolled into balls, rolled in granulated sugar, and baked tomorrow for that yummy out of the oven flavor. While doing so I had a lovely chat on the phone, catching up with Cam and Bla. I turned on the Christmas tree lights. Everything was going according to time until I reached for the key ingredient, molasses.
I had plenty remaining in the Brer Rabbit bottle to complete the recipe yet it had matured into slower than molasses molasses. It was the thickest, darkest glob of goodness, that refused to move! What would have normally taken me 10 tops to prepare became a 30-minute endeavor. WOW! What a test in patience. Observing the molasses instantly reminded me of God’s patience for me in learning how better to live in obedience to Him.
I love how God teaches me lessons in everyday things, such as cooking, and how it relates to the work I do on my yoga mat. Just when I want to rush things in life, God offers slowness as the option. It’s in these moments off the mat where we can make a choice for freedom and victory in the Lord by allowing for His timing of things, accepting it and letting it go. I can choose the way of the straight path of least resistance or speed through and possibly miss the blessing?
Often times in the warm up or integration opening part of a Frogpose beginner flow class, you’ll hear the verbal suggestion to “move as if you’re moving through molasses”. Why? So often we arrive at our mat with a sense of rush to have made it through the class doors on time, or we have a long list of to-do’s lingering in our brains. Not to mention, the current Colorado winter weather, which presents our fascia as stiff and cold at the start of any given work out.
As a guide for class, I often notice students speeding to the next pose as if it’s some kind of race. For example, if I cue right arm high, some consciously draw attention to doing so with intention, while some shoot an arm up in seconds flat without even thinking about protecting shoulder or the supporting muscles and ligaments. Rather than allowing The Breath of the Almighty to drive the pose with a controlled 4 second inhale (with full body awareness), they hurriedly force the pose. Especially in the early part of class, when the body is yet warmed up, injury can happen when poses are rushed. Each class is an opportunity to practice patience that can be taken off the mat and into real world situations. Hurry and rush or have patience and notice – the option is yours.
My work around with completing making the batter was to use the good old modern microwave. A couple of seconds to zap the goo and voila, I could get it out of the bottle. All the brown blob needed was some time to warm up and soften. Once warmed up, it flowed out the bottle with its regular molasses slowness.
Frogpose Yoga Tip “Observe the Molasses”
- Feel the slow pace.
- Have patience in the warm up.
- Cultivate a mindful slowing down.
Don't froggette to sign up for the 6 Week Yoga Challenge in January. Space is limited and it's filling up. Start 2023 on the right foot..or left.
| Marlene was describing the great need for help at the Arvada Extreme Weather Homeless Shelter, one of her many non-profits that she supports. As is the Boulder Pregnancy Resource Center, one that's near and dear to my heart. Our own Revive Church/The Bridge has its sights on making church available to the local community 7 days a week by offering valuable services with a strip-mall retail approach. This is a grand vision and is going to require a lot of support. Jesus said "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40. Find your good eye and be generous! Look around for an organization that you can link arms with and with which to get involved. If you are having a hard time picking one, try the Colorado Gives Day website. I was bummed to learn that they only support non profits that get $50k or more in donations a year, so that leaves Frogpose out, but still. It's a great resource. Joel Belz of World News Group says "you want to support and be involved in organizations where the Bible determines both what people believe and how they behave." There are so many amazing non-profits to choose from and if you are looking for a God centered health care ministry that's committed to delivering Biblical truths, you can be assured that by linking arms with F.R.O.G. Pose Yoga, you get both! As you consider giving on this special day in December or for year end, please prayerfully consider giving to this one, Frogpose. $150 goes towards advertising and getting the word out via social media. $25 pays the guest instructors for a weekly class. Our overflow of funds remains in savings in hopes of reaching the point to own our own studio. The big vision is a Christian Yoga Studio committed to serving God which is fully funded by donations. We approach this year and our partnership with Revive Church/The Bridge and Flatiron Dance Studio with anticipation that God will continue to do good things and move mountains. A big thank you to those who are supporting and continue to support this ministry of Christian Yoga. Join us Wednesday at noon, in person, 8330 W 80th, for our weekly class where we will meditate and focus on God's word. Will try to broadcast on Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/frogposeyoga/live_videos/ |
11/20/2022 0 Comments
5 Easy Ways to Achieve an Attitude of Gratitude in this Thanksgiving Season with Christian Yoga
Together let's practice an attitude of gratitude, on and off our mats, as we celebrate Thanksgiving. Lighten your load with these 5 easy steps for conjuring up the feelings of a thankful heart. Fake it until you make it! You can do it from your home, car, office or where ever the stress of the holiday season sets in.
Let go of expectations for yourself and others and just BREATHE! God promises to meet you where you are at.
Burned the turkey? Breathe a sigh of frustration.
Your pie turned out perfect? Breathe a sigh of relief
Didn't get invited to that dinner? Breathe a sigh of disappointment
Sitting around the table, comparing your life to others seemingly cheery
situations? Breathe a sigh of acceptance
Feel to heal. That's OK! Inhale fresh air knowing God is for you and exhale the audible breath prayer of thanksgiving for it all.
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Join us for a gentle flow of breath, moving meditation and a focus on God's word. Pre Feast Wednesday at noon 8330 W 80th Ave Arvada and we'll try to offer Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/frogposeyoga/live_videos/( Sorry but the wifi isn't cooperating so well.)
Let go of expectations for yourself and others and just BREATHE! God promises to meet you where you are at.
Burned the turkey? Breathe a sigh of frustration.
Your pie turned out perfect? Breathe a sigh of relief
Didn't get invited to that dinner? Breathe a sigh of disappointment
Sitting around the table, comparing your life to others seemingly cheery
situations? Breathe a sigh of acceptance
Feel to heal. That's OK! Inhale fresh air knowing God is for you and exhale the audible breath prayer of thanksgiving for it all.
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Join us for a gentle flow of breath, moving meditation and a focus on God's word. Pre Feast Wednesday at noon 8330 W 80th Ave Arvada and we'll try to offer Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/frogposeyoga/live_videos/( Sorry but the wifi isn't cooperating so well.)

‘Twas the night before my Holy Spirit dunkin’ and all through the house not a creature was stirring….but the wind sure was! Throughout this Colorado blue sky day the wind was moving in all different directions. I noticed downed limbs of trees, folks battling with bad hair, car doors nearly coming unhinged and political signs for the upcoming mid-term elections getting shredded.
It occurred to me that when it comes to the heart, the stirring of the Holy Spirit can have similar affects. It comes on in strong, swirling, unexplainable gusts, just as today’s wind, begging me to lean into it.
I was sitting in church service just a few months ago, celebrating the fellow souls sitting in pews who had decided to take their adult plunge, and felt the tug. As Holy Spirit elevated my heartbeat, I knew He was indicating that it was my turn. I nudged my friend next to me and said, “I’m going to do this next time”. And here we are on the eve of my adult baptism.
I was born into a Catholic family and I’m so grateful that my mom and dad instructed the priest to put some baptismal water on my forehead as an infant. I believe that this non-autonomous ritual was one of the agents for growing me into the Jesus freak that I am today. Good enough, right? Trying to explain my decision to get a full submersion to confused family members proves a bit challenging. One and done is what they would confirm as all that’s necessary. Perhaps? Only God really knows the heart. No judgement if the drips of water on your face is all you need.
Thanks to Christian yoga I feel I want more! Doing this unique exercise has stretched me spiritually, physically and mentally. The journey of mindful moving meditation on a rubber mat rolled out on the floor has proved to increase my belief in God and what he calls me to. I've increased in my ability to hear his voice more clearly. In any given Frogpose Beginner Yoga Flow class there’s opportunity for each student to convene with Father, Son and Holy Spirit personally. It’s in these quiet moments of challenging physical poses, prayer and visual focus on Bible verses, that I believe we can hear His small powerful voice. It’s the practice of yoga, where I'm remaining silent that I am called to grow more into the likeness of Christ. I believe that regular Christian yoga has helped me to flow with how God's winds of change are blowing.
I’ve sat through, witnessed and read announcements of upcoming baptisms at my various churches for 54 years. For such a time is this, here goes! Diveboarding off the sprinkles on my forehead as a little one, I made the decision to get baptized as a personal choice; an outward expression of my commitment to Christ. 3-2-1-plug my nose and dunk!
If you are in a church service and feel that tug, let go of the rituals and take the plunge. Allow the Holy Spirit to blow you in his direction and see what the underwater experience does for your faith. This could be your time too!This Week: Join us for two opportunities to participate in a gentle flow of breath, moving meditation and a focus on God's word. Come to one or both!
1. Wednesday at noon - In person: 8330 W 80th Arvada Thank you Flatirons Dance and Revive The Bridge! for helping us find a new home. or online at Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/frogposeyoga/live_videos/
2. Thursday at 7pm: Red Rocks Church Arvada. Click here for details.
It occurred to me that when it comes to the heart, the stirring of the Holy Spirit can have similar affects. It comes on in strong, swirling, unexplainable gusts, just as today’s wind, begging me to lean into it.
I was sitting in church service just a few months ago, celebrating the fellow souls sitting in pews who had decided to take their adult plunge, and felt the tug. As Holy Spirit elevated my heartbeat, I knew He was indicating that it was my turn. I nudged my friend next to me and said, “I’m going to do this next time”. And here we are on the eve of my adult baptism.
I was born into a Catholic family and I’m so grateful that my mom and dad instructed the priest to put some baptismal water on my forehead as an infant. I believe that this non-autonomous ritual was one of the agents for growing me into the Jesus freak that I am today. Good enough, right? Trying to explain my decision to get a full submersion to confused family members proves a bit challenging. One and done is what they would confirm as all that’s necessary. Perhaps? Only God really knows the heart. No judgement if the drips of water on your face is all you need.
Thanks to Christian yoga I feel I want more! Doing this unique exercise has stretched me spiritually, physically and mentally. The journey of mindful moving meditation on a rubber mat rolled out on the floor has proved to increase my belief in God and what he calls me to. I've increased in my ability to hear his voice more clearly. In any given Frogpose Beginner Yoga Flow class there’s opportunity for each student to convene with Father, Son and Holy Spirit personally. It’s in these quiet moments of challenging physical poses, prayer and visual focus on Bible verses, that I believe we can hear His small powerful voice. It’s the practice of yoga, where I'm remaining silent that I am called to grow more into the likeness of Christ. I believe that regular Christian yoga has helped me to flow with how God's winds of change are blowing.
I’ve sat through, witnessed and read announcements of upcoming baptisms at my various churches for 54 years. For such a time is this, here goes! Diveboarding off the sprinkles on my forehead as a little one, I made the decision to get baptized as a personal choice; an outward expression of my commitment to Christ. 3-2-1-plug my nose and dunk!
If you are in a church service and feel that tug, let go of the rituals and take the plunge. Allow the Holy Spirit to blow you in his direction and see what the underwater experience does for your faith. This could be your time too!This Week: Join us for two opportunities to participate in a gentle flow of breath, moving meditation and a focus on God's word. Come to one or both!
1. Wednesday at noon - In person: 8330 W 80th Arvada Thank you Flatirons Dance and Revive The Bridge! for helping us find a new home. or online at Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/frogposeyoga/live_videos/
2. Thursday at 7pm: Red Rocks Church Arvada. Click here for details.
10/29/2022 1 Comment
Genesis 5:2 Male and Female He Created Them: Christian Yoga is for Men and Women

Normally, I write my thoughts to the general J’ogi community as a whole. For some reason I felt prompted to offer a message to guys only. So, to all the men out there, this message is for you:
Do you want to see positive change in your walk with Jesus, break throughs in your personal issues, and improvements in your overall health: mental and physical? Let me say it plainly: you need F.R.O.G. Pose yoga!
I know you laugh, and think yoga is too girly, but the practice is as much for servant leaders as it is for the servant helpers. If not more so for the stronger vessel. There’s no other exercise, on the planet, besides yoga, that will help you in all areas of your life. Before 2020, a majority of our in-person students were men. These men offered themselves permission to leave ego at home and to commit to stretching and strength training with F.R.O.G. Pose yoga on a weekly basis. Why? Because they stepped out of monotonous gym routines, ear bud wearing, rat race work outs and found out for themselves just how valuable Christian yoga is to support their athleticism and overall health.
Each 60-minute F.R.O.G. Pose yoga class is met with deep breathing, intentional and sometimes challenging physical movement, prayer and bible verses. Men leave yoga classes standing taller and feeling ready to tackle the day. The strongest bodies with the most mindfulness towards life’s challenges, come out of yoga studios. There’s nothing more attractive to women than a man who’s integrating mind, body and soul, which gets fulfilled in a Christian yoga class.
Society needs you guys to come back to your mat, work out your salvation, your thoughts and your muscles, and into re-alignment with God. Life as a Christian is hard but especially for you who are the masculine heads of households and businesses. You may not know it but society is watching how you behave in the world. Do you blow your stack easily? Is your blood pressure elevated? Do you feel like you can’t shake the stresses carried on your shoulders? Is your mind racing uncontrollably? Yoga can help fix this.
A better question for man is how are you holding it all together without Christian yoga? Men, challenge yourselves. Show up this Wednesday and experience how it feels physically to grow in your walk with the LORD and your stature.
This week's class mental focus is on celebrating our true identity in God: making them both male and female. Join us for a gentle flow of breath, moving meditation and a focus on God's word.
In person: 8330 W 80th Arvada Wednesday at noon. Thank you Flatirons Dance and Revive The Bridge! for helping us find a new home.
or online at Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/frogposeyoga/live_videos/

My training as a yoga teacher has its origins in the hot and stinky world of Core Power. Classes start at 91 degrees F, all the way up to 105! The combination of sweat, hot breathing and hard working bodies is enough to make anyone gag! One of the pillars of yoga is cleanliness, and a vigorous hot class of stretching and strength building on a yoga mat can change that quickly. It's not too unlike the life of a Christian; turn up the heat and see how you smell?
I was relieved when my teacher Joy began to spray lavender essential oils. With a simple reflex of her finger, she changed the foul smell to something pleasing to the senses. Do you believe it’s possible for you, personally, to be that sort of change agent in your surroundings for Christ?
What comes to your mind when I say the phrase “fresh cut grass”. What comes to your heart when I say the phrase “grandmas perfume”. What comes up in your soul when I say the phrase “hold a baby or puppy close to your face”. Wouldn’t you agree that most of us would say “that is good”. John 12:3 says then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. I’m not sure what would be worse? The smell of wet hair and dirty feet or sitting on hands and doing nothing?
There are five basic human senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. The sensing organs associated with each sense send information to the brain to help us understand and perceive God’s creation around us. Research published in the May 11, 2017, issue of the journal Science suggests that humans can discriminate among 1 trillion different odors.
Lisa Bevere, international inspirational Christian speaker, got my attention to how I smell. What I took away from what she was saying is that we have the power to enter a room and change the atmosphere to create a sweet aroma for Christ. So, if I enter a room and notice a foul odor, whether it’s gossip or slander or hurt feelings or argument, I can chose to use what I learn on my yoga mat and in the Bible to step away or be the change. I can use prayer, listening skills, deep breathing, open hearted, and open mindedness to "be the fabreeze".
I took it a step further to use this tactic on myself as an attitude adjuster. I was in an unfavorable mood and I used my diffuser to pump my favorite essential oils into the air. It seemed to work well. When I had a work task that I was dreading and I needed inspiration or I simply wanted to tantalize my senses I helped bring myself back around with my diffuser.
Do you smell baking bread…where is this coming from? Toucan Sam from the cereal commercial would say “follow your nose” to fruit loops. We can be the Christians God wants us to be by having the pleasing aroma which draws others to Christ.
2 Corinthians 2:15 - In Paul’s analogy, he separates people into two groups: those on the path of salvation and those on the road to destruction, but both as an aroma to God. The sweet aroma of life spread everywhere by the ministry of evangelism was the knowledge of God as victor. Christians who spread the gospel are members of God’s victorious army led by Jesus Christ. Both the victors and those perishing smell the aroma; however, it has a different meaning for the two groups. Joy of triumph for one and defeat, slavery, and death for the other.
Take our dear Polycarp of 168AD, martyred because he wouldn't deny Jesus to Caesar, where witnesses said that when we was burned on the fire, the flames flew high above his body, but miraculously he wasn't burned. Those who watched said "he was amidst in the fire, not as burning flesh but as gold and silver refined in a furnace. And we smelled such a sweet aroma as of incense or some other precious spice". What killed him was a roman soldiers sword piercing his side, flowing so much blood that it put out the fire.
So many instances and examples of how we can be the human diffuser: be the fabreeze!
Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. (Ephesians 5:1-2)
May my prayer be like special perfume before You. May the lifting up of my hands be like the evening gift given on the altar in worship. (Psalm 141:2)
Join us for a gentle flow of breath, moving meditation and a focus on God's word at our new location: 8330 W 80th Ave, Arvada, CO 80005. Wednesday at noon in person and on Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/frogposeyoga/live_videos/
Thank you to Flatirons Dance for offering this lovely space. Come and enjoy a class. Suggested donation $10. Stay tuned as The Bridge continues to grow in partnerships for a healing local Arvada community.
I was relieved when my teacher Joy began to spray lavender essential oils. With a simple reflex of her finger, she changed the foul smell to something pleasing to the senses. Do you believe it’s possible for you, personally, to be that sort of change agent in your surroundings for Christ?
What comes to your mind when I say the phrase “fresh cut grass”. What comes to your heart when I say the phrase “grandmas perfume”. What comes up in your soul when I say the phrase “hold a baby or puppy close to your face”. Wouldn’t you agree that most of us would say “that is good”. John 12:3 says then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. I’m not sure what would be worse? The smell of wet hair and dirty feet or sitting on hands and doing nothing?
There are five basic human senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. The sensing organs associated with each sense send information to the brain to help us understand and perceive God’s creation around us. Research published in the May 11, 2017, issue of the journal Science suggests that humans can discriminate among 1 trillion different odors.
Lisa Bevere, international inspirational Christian speaker, got my attention to how I smell. What I took away from what she was saying is that we have the power to enter a room and change the atmosphere to create a sweet aroma for Christ. So, if I enter a room and notice a foul odor, whether it’s gossip or slander or hurt feelings or argument, I can chose to use what I learn on my yoga mat and in the Bible to step away or be the change. I can use prayer, listening skills, deep breathing, open hearted, and open mindedness to "be the fabreeze".
I took it a step further to use this tactic on myself as an attitude adjuster. I was in an unfavorable mood and I used my diffuser to pump my favorite essential oils into the air. It seemed to work well. When I had a work task that I was dreading and I needed inspiration or I simply wanted to tantalize my senses I helped bring myself back around with my diffuser.
Do you smell baking bread…where is this coming from? Toucan Sam from the cereal commercial would say “follow your nose” to fruit loops. We can be the Christians God wants us to be by having the pleasing aroma which draws others to Christ.
2 Corinthians 2:15 - In Paul’s analogy, he separates people into two groups: those on the path of salvation and those on the road to destruction, but both as an aroma to God. The sweet aroma of life spread everywhere by the ministry of evangelism was the knowledge of God as victor. Christians who spread the gospel are members of God’s victorious army led by Jesus Christ. Both the victors and those perishing smell the aroma; however, it has a different meaning for the two groups. Joy of triumph for one and defeat, slavery, and death for the other.
Take our dear Polycarp of 168AD, martyred because he wouldn't deny Jesus to Caesar, where witnesses said that when we was burned on the fire, the flames flew high above his body, but miraculously he wasn't burned. Those who watched said "he was amidst in the fire, not as burning flesh but as gold and silver refined in a furnace. And we smelled such a sweet aroma as of incense or some other precious spice". What killed him was a roman soldiers sword piercing his side, flowing so much blood that it put out the fire.
So many instances and examples of how we can be the human diffuser: be the fabreeze!
Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. (Ephesians 5:1-2)
May my prayer be like special perfume before You. May the lifting up of my hands be like the evening gift given on the altar in worship. (Psalm 141:2)
Join us for a gentle flow of breath, moving meditation and a focus on God's word at our new location: 8330 W 80th Ave, Arvada, CO 80005. Wednesday at noon in person and on Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/frogposeyoga/live_videos/
Thank you to Flatirons Dance for offering this lovely space. Come and enjoy a class. Suggested donation $10. Stay tuned as The Bridge continues to grow in partnerships for a healing local Arvada community.

A Land of Milk and Honey: No more wandering around in the desert!
I’m thrilled to make this big announce! F.R.O.G. Pose has found its new home and it feels like God has landed us right into the palm of his hand.
Starting this Wednesday at noon we’ll be offering class at 8330 W 80th Ave, Arvada, CO 80005, the over-flow of Flatirons Dance. We praise God for Jessica the owner’s generosity in providing a gorgeous room, complete with mirrors, natural light, AND HEAT! Truly, this space is perfect and to which we had been praying.
A few weeks ago I had reached out to Revive Church to inquire about partnering with the community outreach for their vision of The Bridge. I can’t wait to see how God uses the F.R.O.G. Pose ministry as The Bridge Community Center gets created. We are hopeful to support its mission by creating a healthier body of believers in the church and in the local Arvada area, through Christ centered yoga.
I’ll be writing more about the developments in the ministry and this new partnership in the weeks and months to come. Please continue to pray for God’s leading in the building of The Bridge and for continued blessings over Flatirons Dance.
See you at noon! Bring your mat, a water bottle and a friend. Join us for a gentle flow of breath, moving meditation and a focus on God's word. Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/frogposeyoga/live_videos/ if you prefer virtual attendance.
Suggested donation $10.
I’m thrilled to make this big announce! F.R.O.G. Pose has found its new home and it feels like God has landed us right into the palm of his hand.
Starting this Wednesday at noon we’ll be offering class at 8330 W 80th Ave, Arvada, CO 80005, the over-flow of Flatirons Dance. We praise God for Jessica the owner’s generosity in providing a gorgeous room, complete with mirrors, natural light, AND HEAT! Truly, this space is perfect and to which we had been praying.
A few weeks ago I had reached out to Revive Church to inquire about partnering with the community outreach for their vision of The Bridge. I can’t wait to see how God uses the F.R.O.G. Pose ministry as The Bridge Community Center gets created. We are hopeful to support its mission by creating a healthier body of believers in the church and in the local Arvada area, through Christ centered yoga.
I’ll be writing more about the developments in the ministry and this new partnership in the weeks and months to come. Please continue to pray for God’s leading in the building of The Bridge and for continued blessings over Flatirons Dance.
See you at noon! Bring your mat, a water bottle and a friend. Join us for a gentle flow of breath, moving meditation and a focus on God's word. Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/frogposeyoga/live_videos/ if you prefer virtual attendance.
Suggested donation $10.

Hello Froggers,
It's been exactly one week since I drove away from the Emerald Mountain Lodge at YMCA of the Rockies, Estes Park feeling filled with the goodness of God and tuckered out from all the fun.
Last night Kat and I chatted about the things that inspired us at The Great Adventure in Christ Christian Women's Retreat. We loved the bigger gathering space as it was twice the size of last year’s, hence we could set up for art therapy and yoga at the same time. It felt nice spending more time out of doors, enjoying God's creation, with the Bible Point hike and campfire s'mores. Hearing elk bugling and locking horns was commonplace and a unique treat. Seeing new friendships develop softened our hearts. What stuck both of us as number one was God's perfection in putting together our special sisterhood of leadership.
In His infinite wisdom God called Lorie, Denise, Kat and I to come together as the Sole to Soul Colorado team. From the calling he has given us purpose to Go! into the world as a collaboration of Christ-minded women, offering healing of body soul and spirit through inspirational day and weekend yoga retreats. Kat and I marveled at the way God continues to orchestrate our individual skill sets and mutual desire to serve the women throughout these events. None of the team views any of the others as power hungry, overbearing, controlling, lazy or difficult to work alongside. Where one of is lacking, the others step in with ease and grace. I am blessed to call these ladies true sisters in Christ: God knew what he was doing when he put us together!
The theme of our retreat was a journey into Jesus’ commission of going out and proclaiming the gospel. Our hope was to ignite and equip each attendee with the tools necessary to make disciples of every nation as a telling of our personal stories in light of sharing the gospel. Mark 16:15. With Kat's snappy tune to verse memorization, each of our 15 minute devotionals, 3 yoga classes with rotating teachers and unique modalities, art therapy and free time, the commission came to life in all of us.
As a thank you to everyone who attends each Sole to Soul Colorado event we offer a parting gift. This retreat’s present was a piece of jewelry we came to call “Go! Beads”, a long strand of natural colored stone beads with a tan tassel at the end.
Why are they called Go! Beads? It's a triune, 3-part meaning: 1. The metaphor for stones (the beads), as referenced in the Bible, signifies strength, steadiness and durability; 2. If your children ask you about the necklace (or anyone for that matter), give an account of how God does great things (Joshua 4:21-24) and; 3. Obey the Lord your God with the wearing of tassels (Numbers 15:37-21). The intention is to go into the world, adorning these beautiful stranded stones and tassle, being reminded to feel strong, steady and durable so as to overcome any fear of sharing the gospel to anyone with ears to hear.
If someone looks at the strand hanging around my shoulders and compliments them, asks where they came from or what they mean, I can reach and grab-hold the tassel, and reply “I’m glad you asked. Can I tell you my story?” Let the Go! Beads be the confidence booster to go and tell all about our love of Jesus and his saving grace to all who inquire.
Just as the crow reminded Dumbo of his ability to fly with a feather for his cap, if you weren't able to attend retreat, get yourself some Go! Beads to wear and share! In Matthew 28:19-20 Jesus commissions us to "go and make disciples of every nation, baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit. Go and teach them to observe all I've commanded. And I'll be with you until the end of the age". Let your Go! Beads be your starting point and see how they can help draw others to having a faith in God.
2nd Tuesdays Red Rocks Sports class is changed to 2nd Thursdays at 7pm. Same room in the basement but you must enter the front doors now. Register here for this Thursday's class: https://redrockssports.com/yoga-2
Wednesday's Weekly class is still meeting at Veile Lake South Boulder at noon. So long as the weather holds..I hope you can join! Expect a gentle flow of breath, moving meditation and a focus on God's word. Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/frogposeyoga/live_videos/ is where you will find us always and at noon on Wednesday.
Stay tuned for more from Sole to Soul Colorado team events.
Wear and Share!

God will use your gifts to bring His Kingdom on earth.
Matthew 28:19-20: Go and make disciples of every nation, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Go and teach them to observe all I've commanded and I'll be with you to the end of the age.
What's your story? I'd love to hear from you.
Matthew 28:19-20: Go and make disciples of every nation, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Go and teach them to observe all I've commanded and I'll be with you to the end of the age.
What's your story? I'd love to hear from you.

I was not in the mood for the electric slide!
My mat was set in one place and then it wasn’t. I was in my groove and then I was off kilter. I pressed pause, re-centered my frog-green yoga mat, and drew myself back into a focused state of mind. I took a deep breath, pressed play and I began to practice again. Before much time had passed, I had gravitated to the left again! I stopped, moved myself to the right, and resumed. I was losing patience. It’s hard to stay at a place of peace when my underfoot world is moving against my will.
Joshua 1:7b: Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.
Ever wonder why your yoga mat wanders to one side or the other during your moving meditation? Perhaps one of your legs is longer than the other and it’s causing a slight rotation of the mat under foot. Are you right or left dominant, causing more pressure on one side of the mat than the other? Are you suffering from an injury on the left and favoring it with the right? Regardless of the cause, it’s a thing. Like the gradual shifts in life, all J’ogis suffer from mat shifting and there’s no judgement. Embrace the change and let it be!
During that online class, my trusty Manduka shifted a total of three times and I was ready to throw in the towel! But then I realized from what my issue was stemming. I had placed its rubber bottom onto an area rug that had no gripping abilities. What I would normally place my confidence and stability on, which is that wonderfully gummy pad, was actually more like attempting physical poses on shifting sand.
When are we ever in a mood for unwanted shifts in our lives? (If you’re like me, it’s never!)
Jesus gave us a clear understanding and expectation that our life would slip sideways. He said something to the tune: you will have troubles but take heart because I have overcome the world. His stability was in knowing that our heavenly father had a plan in the shift and when we read the Bible it demonstrates how Jesus lived that truth. We can too.
God’s stabilizing plan is not just for Jesus, but for all with faith in Him. To re-center and align with God’s will sometimes takes more than a deep breath and putting two hands on the edges of our problem to move life back into position. It takes perseverance, prayer and patience, the things we learn while participating in community yoga classes. Have the confidence that our solid ground is in a relationship with Jesus. Standing firm in his Word when things feel shaky underfoot allows us to better accept a small adjustment onto life’s path instead of pressing stop, throwing up our hands in disgust and walking out on ourselves and those around us.
When my class was over, I laughed at myself, feeling stronger and more connected to God as I had deepened the understanding of Him as my solid rock on which I stand. I was glad I didn’t give up. Whether your yoga mat of life is staying put or moving unexpectedly, know that God is there in the frustration, shoring you up on both sides. Have the confidence that He will see you through. Don’t give up the fight and stand firm, then.
Join us this month for Christian park yoga, Tuesday mornings at 9am and Wednesday's at noon, where the biggest yoga mat issues are going to be wet grass and the occasional pile of goose poop. Regardless, make the adjustment to the positive and join in.
Here's a short video of what | | Send me info on retreats: |
By definition the word retreat is a verb meaning to move back or to withdraw.
When we talk about taking a retreat we are taking ourselves away from the everyday and giving a new perspective to our lives. Here are some examples. If you are a young mom, you might take a 2 minute retreat to the bathroom, lock the door and tell the kids that mommy needs her own time out. In that time you gather your composure and hopefully enough sanity to face the rest of the evening. If you in a tough spot in a relationship, you might take a retreat from the ordinary and spend quality time together on a picnic blanket and away from distractions. Sometimes all we need is a change of scenery to move into positive space.
By removing ourselves from what we know and the patterns that might be holding us down, God can make break throughs in our lives.
A Christian Yoga Retreat is where we take time away from life as we know it to rest, relax and reconnect with God and others.
When we talk about taking a retreat we are taking ourselves away from the everyday and giving a new perspective to our lives. Here are some examples. If you are a young mom, you might take a 2 minute retreat to the bathroom, lock the door and tell the kids that mommy needs her own time out. In that time you gather your composure and hopefully enough sanity to face the rest of the evening. If you in a tough spot in a relationship, you might take a retreat from the ordinary and spend quality time together on a picnic blanket and away from distractions. Sometimes all we need is a change of scenery to move into positive space.
By removing ourselves from what we know and the patterns that might be holding us down, God can make break throughs in our lives.
A Christian Yoga Retreat is where we take time away from life as we know it to rest, relax and reconnect with God and others.
Let's travel into The Great Adventure in Christ!
9/30/22-10/2/22, YMCA at the Rockies, Estes Park, CO
"Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation..."
Mark 16:15b ESV
This special weekend is designed to help us go deeper with God, body, soul, and spirit; through Jesus' Great Commission, Christian Yoga, Bible Study, Fellowship, Art, Hiking, Free-time, and Fun! We'll challenge and equip you to share the love of Christ, and plant seeds of faith with practical action steps. We have a purpose, He has a plan, and He promises to be with us always, to the very end of the age!
Receive $20 off the retreat fee when you refer a friend who has yet to attend a Sole To Soul Colorado retreat.
Registration is a two-step process:
-Payment for the retreat.
-Payment for lodging in Long's Peak Lodge.
Click on this link for more information to register and pay
9/30/22-10/2/22, YMCA at the Rockies, Estes Park, CO
"Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation..."
Mark 16:15b ESV
This special weekend is designed to help us go deeper with God, body, soul, and spirit; through Jesus' Great Commission, Christian Yoga, Bible Study, Fellowship, Art, Hiking, Free-time, and Fun! We'll challenge and equip you to share the love of Christ, and plant seeds of faith with practical action steps. We have a purpose, He has a plan, and He promises to be with us always, to the very end of the age!
Receive $20 off the retreat fee when you refer a friend who has yet to attend a Sole To Soul Colorado retreat.
Registration is a two-step process:
-Payment for the retreat.
-Payment for lodging in Long's Peak Lodge.
Click on this link for more information to register and pay
4/11/2022 0 Comments
Happy Holy Week...or is it?
Good Friday (HUH!), What Was it Good For?
Absolutely EVERYTHING!
These aren't the lyrics of Edwin Starr's famous song, War. One line in the song sings "They say we must fight to keep our freedom, But Lord knows there's got to be a better way, oh". And there is a better way: the cross on Calvary.
Holy Week or The Great Week as it's also called is the Superbowl for all Christians. It's the big game. The playbook was prewritten and as the last seconds leading up to Easter Sunday play out, we know Christ wins...even before the TV commentators. Fake news? I don't think so. I live because my Savior lives.
Jesus fought for our freedom. Jesus sustained extreme torture, more than a mere mortal could endure, had to carry his own cross in a state of complete physical brokenness, and was cruelly set to die on a cross, as a convict. What was his crime? Jesus was the original freedom fighter. He fought for freedom from religion, and for women's equality, for children and widows, for tax collectors, for you and for me. It is for freedom that Christ set us free (Galatians 5:1) If it hadn't been for the cross, life would feel like constant war, huh!
It was for the Glory of God and our good that on that dark Friday, our Savior suffered, died and was buried.
This freedom we come to enjoy is sweetest because we understand the gravity of the cross and it was Christ's death that needed to be paid in order for us to take the win. Good Friday is met with extreme sorrow and doesn't meet our earthly standard as something we see as good, but it means absolutely EVERYTHING for victory over death.
How we chose to look at our circumstance can sometimes be more about perspective and mindset than final outcome. Is it possible we need to endure the bad in order to get to the good ending of the game?
We can practice seeing things that don't feel good in the moment with a positive outcome in each Frogpose Christian yoga class . It's been said that a sustained physical injury usually resurfaces in Christian yoga before healing with a regular practice. For instance, in Half Pigeon, your hips, the area where we store emotions, may feel very tight and uncomfortable but not painful. The urge to come out of the long hold has more to do with pushing through to the end gain of having open hips than breathing through the discomfort. The choice to endure is ours and is as individual as there are snowflakes. Stay in the fight or try again another day? It's ok. Just don't give up because sometimes it takes 3 breaths, 3 tries, 3 classes, or 3 days in the tomb, to make life changes.
Like Diane said at the Stepping Toward Whole Health Day Retreat (video clip above), "I used to have bad hips and coming to Lorie's class has relieved me of the pain, even thought I don't consider myself very flexible." Don't let life get you down or give up pursuing that which is good and right, because I know God has victory ahead for you too. Mindfulness is everything in Christian yoga.
In class this week, we focus on Holy Week: balance the good and the bad of life to find wholeness of mind, body and spirit. We will incorporate prayer and bible verses with stretching on a yoga mat. Invite a friend, whether they are a seasoned yoga practitioner or just beginning, a Christian or not.
Here is your opportunity for Beginner Power Flow Yoga this week.
2nd T's: Tuesday 7pm at Red Rocks Church, Arvada. We will in the basement so park around back and come down the back stairs. Doors open at 6:30 so arrive early and get settled for a prompt start.
No Weekly Wednesday class at Harvest Today or Facebook live. Sorry.
God Bless and Enjoy this Week of Ups and Downs and Celebrate the Victory!